Home Remedies for Constipation

Home remedies for constipation include drinking extra water and eating fiber. If home cures fail, over-the-counter and prescription drugs are available. Constipation can result from diet, lifestyle, drugs, or medical issues. Many chronic constipation sufferers have no known etiology. This is chronic idiopathic constipation.

Home Remedies for Constipation Overview

Home Remedies for Constipation
Home Remedies for Constipation

Everyone’s bowel movements vary. A healthy bowel movement frequency is three times per week to three times per day, according to specialists. Diet, health, and routine might alter bowel movements. A laxative induces bowel movements. Alternatives include natural therapies. This article examines seven choices.

Home Remedies for Constipation symptoms

  • Fewer than three weekly bowel motions
  • dry, lumpy, or hard stools
  • stool pain or difficulty
  • I feel like stool is still in there

Constipation can negatively impact the quality of life and physical and emotional health, and there are various natural remedies. Most are scientifically backed and can be done at home. Constipation relief: 13 natural home cures. One can use natural methods to induce bowel movements. These actions, foods, drinks, and herbal medicines may help constipation.

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Home Remedies for Constipation
Home Remedies for Constipation

Best Remedies for Home Remedies for Constipation

1. Exercise

Lower digestive tract muscles can be stimulated by exercise. This gut organ excretes waste as a stool. The 2019 review of data reveals that low-intensity exercise like brisk walking can cure constipation. More research is needed to determine how different exercises influence digestion.

2. Relaxation and posture

Not having a bowel movement when needed is distressing. Relaxing and taking time to pass feces is healthier than straining. Some toilet positions make feces passing simpler. Raise your knees above your hips to make pooping simpler. Sitting on the toilet with feet on a block or stool raises the knees.

3. Prunes

This dried fruit is high in fiber, which aids digestion. A few prunes may help you poo. Both prune juice and dried fruit have sorbitol but less fiber. This sugar enters the intestines fast and pulls water. This can thicken stool and induce bowel movements.

4. Senna

Senna leaves and fruit is used as natural laxatives. Online, senna comes in liquid or pill form. Senna works in 8 hours. Some take senna before bed to work overnight. Often, this causes morning bowel movements. Natural senna has been used for ages to ease temporary constipation. Long-term use can cause dependency, needing greater doses. Long-term use can damage the digestive tract irreversibly.

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5. Kiwifruit

Fiber-rich kiwifruit. A modest 2019 study Source says it may assist digestion. This suggests kiwifruit may be a good natural laxative. However, additional research is needed to determine its effects.

6. Coffee

Coffee may aid bowel movements, according to a study. A 2021 recap Coffee may aid constipation sufferers because its components promote digestive system movement, according to Trusted Source.

7. Flaxseed

The flax plant produces a tiny, fiber-rich seed. For instance, flaxseed contains mucilage fiber. When mixed with water, this fiber forms a gel that softens feces and relieves constipation.

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8. Drink more water

Frequent dehydration causes constipation. Avoid this by staying hydrated and drinking enough water. Carbonated water may help constipated people. This can rehydrate and restart things. Sparkling water relieves constipation better than tap water, according to several research. This involves dyspepsia and persistent idiopathic constipation.

However, drinking carbonated drinks like sugary soda might hurt your health and worsen constipation. Others with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may avoid carbonated drinks like sparkling water because they increase their symptoms.

9. Eat enough dietary fiber

Consuming enough fiber is essential. Soluble fiber soaks up water to keep stool soft, whereas insoluble fiber adds bulk to stool to speed digestion. Berries, bananas, prunes, and avocados are high-fiber foods that can help alleviate mild constipation.

Eat plenty of fiber-rich vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to avoid future issues. A daily fiber supplement like psyllium husk (Metamucil) may help. Dehydration causes constipation, so drink enough. Sparkling water may relieve constipation better.

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These fiber-rich foods:

  • Whole-grain pasta
  • Barley
  • Chickpeas
  • Edamame
  • Split peas, lentils
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Pears
  • Artichoke hearts
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Chias
  • Avocado
  • Oatmeal
  • Whole-grain bread
  • Prunes

10. magnesium supplements

Constipation may be relieved by eating adequate magnesium. Supplemental magnesium laxatives are osmotic. They draw water into your digestive system, softening feces. Pharmacies and health food stores sell magnesium pills. You can acquire magnesium through food. If you have kidney issues, see your doctor before taking magnesium. Luckily, most magnesium-rich foods are also fiber-rich. Whole grains and dark leafy greens provide both.

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11. Use coconut oil

Doctor Arielle Miller Levitan, an Illinois internal medicine specialist, recommends ingesting a spoonful or two of coconut oil daily to lubricate your intestines. This may prevent constipation. This cure may work for you; ask your doctor. Coconut oil can be consumed in other ways if swallowing a teaspoon is not appealing. It can be added to coffee or vinegar for a basic salad dressing.

12. Triphala

The herb triphala contains Indian gooseberry, black myrobalan, and belleric myrobalan. Triphala has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and moderate laxative effects. Triphala can be taken orally in short doses to lose weight and avoid digestive malignancies. A review of 2017 research by Trusted Source found extensive clinical studies supporting Triphala for occasional constipation. Children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women should avoid Triphala.

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13. Ghee and milk

Ghee, or clarified butter, is popular in Indian cookery and traditional treatments. Some people take ghee-infused warm milk or water before night to treat constipation. There is little study on cow ghee and milk for constipation. Dairy products exacerbate intestinal obstructions and cramping. Our evidence for using ghee in milk for constipation is primarily anecdotal.

14. Senna Tea

Senna tea is a legume-flower herbal mix. Senna plants are grown worldwide, but India grows a special kind for its health benefits. Sennosides in senna leaves can irritate your digestive tract enough to cause a bowel movement.

Senna is not suggested for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or those using blood thinners or steroids. Senna can damage your digestive tract if used excessively, so use it just for constipation.

15. Lemon water

Lemons and other citrus fruits are high in vitamin C and water-soluble fiber. Citrus can also stimulate the colon. Constipation sufferers may use warm lemon water to loosen up. Good news: this cure is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women and most children old enough to consume diluted lemon juice.

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When to see your doctor

If you’ve changed your diet, exercise, stress, and medications but still experience recurrent constipation after a few months, consult a doctor. If it persists despite adjustments, it may be chronic constipation or something else, so see a doctor, advises Dr. Garg.

Visit your doctor if you suffer any of the following.

  • Weight loss
  • Chronic abdominal discomfort
  • Rectal hemorrhage
  • Appetite loss
  • Nausea, vomiting

Try these home cures for constipation. You may only need them to poop again. Consult your doctor if these therapies fail or if you’re chronically constipated. They may suggest lifestyle, medicine, or other treatments. Chronic constipation may be caused by another illness. Your doctor can diagnose and treat the cause.

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